Above St SimeonAbove St. Simeon

Petit Lac La MalbaiePetit Lac La Malbaie

Ottawa ValleyOttawa Valley

White PinesWhite Pines

Fourteen IslandFourteen Island

PR: Well, spring is around the corner and tomorrow is St. Patricks Day and Sara has asked me to talk about some of my early paintings. I have a few around me here, and the first one I’m looking at was painted in 1939, just before the war started and I painted it outside. It’s called St.Simeon—looking towards St. Simeon—and it’s a painting on top of another painting, because it is covered with crackle. I think I was still at art school when I painted this, and I’ve kept it all those years.

The next painting is one called Petit Lac Malbaie and I painted that around the same time—1939, and it is oil on board. The first one was oil on canvas, and this was board and I did it outside, sketched it outside. I was about 19 at the time.

The next one I did quite a bit later on, in about 1941. It’s called Ottawa Valley and it is oil on hardboard. I sketched it out of a window of my mother and father’s house in the Ottawa Valley in a place called Montebello.

 They are all memories really now, and places that I loved very much.

There’s another painting behind me called White Pines, which I also did outside. It’s oil on hardboard, and I did it in 1951 just before my son was born. I was pregnant with my son and I remember paddling a canoe across the lake and hauling my paints and the board I was going to paint on up to the top of the hill and sitting down and painting across the lake and paddling back home again. So I always remember the date of that because my son was born soon after that.

SARA: And Fourteen Island Lake is also 1939

PR: Yes, I was engaged to Fred then, when I painted that. I painted it from a canoe on the lake at his parent’s cottage.

Canoeing with Fred RitchieCanoeing with Fred Ritchie


House at MontebelloHouse at Montebello


Percy Ritchie Painting 1939
Percy Ritchie Painting 1939


With Friends Ottawa ValleyWith Friends Ottawa Valley


Cottage at 14 Isle Lake14 Isle Lake